Learning paths are intensive boot camps to upskill and become industry ready for a specifically focused proficiency under the mentorship of industry experts. It includes a combination of workshops and courses where there are live sessions followed by case studies.

To apply to join a new learning path, click on the Dashboard in the navigation pane and click on “Enroll”.


Select the learning path card to learn more about the modules, mentors, schedule, etc.

You will be re-directed to a page with more information about the learning path and you can ‘Register’ through this page to buy the entire learning path or individual modules.


If you choose to purchase the learning path or individual modules, you will be redirected to a payment page on the platform. You can avail promo codes and complete the payment through our Stripe gateway.


Once the payment is completed, you will receive a confirmation email. The modules will be unlocked and available on your profile 5 days before the start date.